How To Attract Visitors To Our Blog Viewed [News 2017]
18 min read
If you play to the community sites blogger .. many will ask how to increase blog visitors.
This then answers that often arise:
"Create an article at least once a day, the more the better".
Either what is essentially ...
But it was a big mistake.
If you just make lots of articles every day, not only you will not get visitors. You will soon get bored alone.
Let's look at the comparison:
There are (many) blogs that have for years still get 100 visitors per day.
Though they already had thousands of post.
But there are also only update once a week or even once a month, but they have thousands of traffic plus loyal readers.
What distinguishes?
Because the first kind does not do what is in this guide.
Case study: blog Sahabat GOOGLE
Here are the data directly from the website you are reading ..
These initial conditions of Sahabat GOOGLE website:
Launched in January as a side project
Made by people who do not have a name at all
Do not have a connection with the well known and popular blogs
After applying the techniques that I will explain to you, Sahabat GOOGLE traffic rises dramatically to
But it was not nothing ...
The picture above is an overall traffic coming from all channels including search engines, referrals, social media, and email.
I can only deceive you by sending a lot of traffic, right?
Yet the most important thing for any website owner usually traffic from Google.
For that, let's compare his organic traffic:
The increase is 971.21%.
Almost 10 times!
This means that with this technique, you do not increase as a temporary visitor. But your website will get a strong SEO and organic traffic for the long term.
You will also be able to get the same results ...
... Or even more.
A. Increase of non-organic traffic
Almost everyone who had been managing the website know that search engine traffic is the source of the largest and highest quality. That's why we learn SEO.
But there are a lot of people do not know ...
SEO techniques that they are outdated.
In the past, we find backlinks by way submit to social bookmarking sites, guestbooks, press releases, PBN, and blog comments to get ranked first.
But now it is no longer effective way.
Google has done the depreciation of the value of these types of sites backlink earlier.
This means that backlinks from websites was no longer able to significantly improve rankings. Although large amounts.
Because of relatively spam.
In contrast, modern SEO like this ...
We do marketing, then getting visitors. Of the visitors who came, some of which will provide a backlink.
These types of backlinks you will be ranked first.
The result is remarkable:
With just a little backlink from this technique, you will be ranked in the search results will instantly skyrocket.
Therefore, we first have to get used to non-organic traffic ... which is not of a search engine.
Here's how ...
1. Provide a potentially viral content
I straighten out:
We can not guarantee the content we make so viral.
But we CAN strive for that content has a great opportunity to become viral.
Do not imagine that too large loads such as video Gangnam Style. The definition of viral is that content shared by others to social media.
You do this by adding six specific factors ..
..yaitu element triggers popularity .
If you read the article above, you will find 6 things that would lead a person to share your content with others.
Or directly modeled on this one website:
Hipwee get 1 million visitors in just 4 months after launch. This is because they consistently provide content that is potentially viral.
Not necessarily with the same model ...
Hipwee is specifically accommodate viral content topic, in any category. If you have a blog that is only in a particular topic, do not get out of the main topics.
Quite mimicked how they serve content.
Especially pictures, titles, sub-titles, and writing.
2. Active in Facebook Groups
When Sahabat GOOGLE newly launched, 80% of visitors came from groups on Facebook.
But, the majority of bloggers who utilize the Facebook group could not get a lot of visitors ... Why?
This is the problem:
Facebook has a strict spam filter. When the links that you post do not get a response from the other person, then subconsciously you've labeled as spam by the system.
So that's how often any time you send a link to Facebook, no visit.
Then what is impossible promotion on Facebook?
…Not really
If you do the proper promotion, the result will be enormous.
Follow these steps:
Suppose you have a blog and content about
caring for cats, look for the Facebook group members in need of that information.
You may not immediately put a link up without familiar with group members.
You also may not directly put the link after familiar with group members.
... When there is proper?
Once you are known as someone who often help others. In order known, frequently answered questions members of the group and often share knowledge without links.
Because this is so important, I'll repeat briefly so as not to miss.
3 ban on sale in the Facebook group:
Do not have a sale without quality content
Do not campaign in the group that are not associated with content topics
Do promotion before you are known by most members
The risks are large, so you should follow this rule.
2a. Create your own group on Facebook
Rather than ride in other groups, create your own group can be more effective.
As an admin in a group, your post will be able to reach more members. Because the post of admin almost always appear in the News Feed members.
Therefore I also recently made a group on Facebook Sahabat GOOGLE .
In order for your group crowded, tips:
1. Provide specific content group members, could be an ebook or articles
2. Tell all the other groups that they can get special content that join to your group
3. Active also in Google+ Community
Who says that Google+ is lonely?
Facebook is less than one, but it is clean of spam and people are more enthusiastic.
healthy group
If you have content on a healthy diet, or diet, the community above can give a lot of traffic to your blog.
But just the same with Facebook, 3 ban was still in effect.
Even in Google+ even more stringent because the links are being labeled as spam will be instantly deleted.
One more thing:
Notice in point 2 and 3 of this I recommend you to go into the community. Not make the page and then publish the article page itself ...
The new blog means his social accounts still quiet.
This means that although you every day post links to social media without going through the community, no one will ever read.
4. Find relevant forums, and is active as a member
Essentially the same as the number 2 and 3. So, briefly.
If you pass the two points above, please re-read.
From the forums you can get a backlink directly (though nofollow), and you can establish a relationship with other members.
I used actively in a new forum named IdBlogSchool
Through the forum I got a lot of visitors, of course.
But not only that.
Because it is a new forum, community members are less than FB and G +. But we may be more familiar with the members.
Thus, not a few members of the forum that provide backlinks on their blog for me.
For example, my friend:
How to search for forums on Google:
Forum + "topics"
Forum + "community"
5. Still less? Active in the question and answer site
Similar to the forum, but different.
Indeed, there is currently a lot of question and answer sites in Indonesia. But it never hurts to try.
You do not need to be overly active in the question and answer site. If indeed there are questions that can be answered directly with your content, just provide the link along with brief explanations.
Here are some of the site:
Yahoo! Answers
Takon (Android)
Quora (international)
6. Connect with other bloggers
The techniques above it is in fact to establish relationships with potential readers, or the term
But nothing is more powerful if you want to develop a blog faster. Ie relationships with other bloggers .. term influencer.
The reason is this:
For example, a 1 audience share your content to social media.
People's status as the audience had few followers, and perhaps even of their followers no one is interested in our content.
So no more clicks result of audience share.
But suppose your content shared by influencers with 10 thousands of active followers.
Then there will be hundreds to thousands of people who will come to your website.
That is why it is important to get in touch with them.
Now how ...
1. Find other bloggers that topic with you. Google: "topic" + blog.
2. Follow his social accounts
3. Retweet / like, and share their content consistently
4. Provide quality comment on his blog
5. Posting a link to their blog on your content
2-4 steps intended to make them aware of our existence.
And that positive impression.
Be careful in relationships, because if you are regarded as a nuisance then you will be ignored. That means you lose the potential for valuable assistance.
7. Tell your featured content to influencers
Continued from number 6,
Do NOT do this if you do not build a positive image in the eyes of other bloggers.
But if successful, the effect is remarkable.
DO also submit your content to bloggers who are not interested in the topic of your content.
It often happens:
For example, since I am a blogger on marketing, SEO, and blogging .. then do not send the content in topics outside of it earlier. 100% I'll skip.
One more thing that you need to have:
What makes them want to read your content?
What makes them will help promote your content?
These are some of his tips:
1. Discuss about their content. If you look at this content, there are several links to other websites ... did like it.
2. Ask them to write opinions on the topics you lift, then quote their answers on the content
That is the second way that I always do to get a share of the influencers.
8. Change the format of the title so exciting to be clicked
Imagine you are on Facebook, then there are two articles with the following titles:
1. How to lose weight
2. 9 Steps to lose weight to 10kg in 30 days
(Suppose you are interested in the topic)
If you choose the latter, then your thinking is equal to 90% of normal human beings.
When the content is shared, or appear in Google search results .. who looks just its title.
So whether someone will click or not depending on the title.
Thus the title can instantly increase your traffic.
There 4 U in writing the title, according to Copyblogger :
1. U seful - explains the benefits to readers
2. U rgency - impressed urgent / emergency / critical
3. U nique - present the main ideas from a different angle from the other content
4. U ltra-specific - specific written
Because of the importance of the title, then I made a special guide in writing the title .
There are 8 concept and a bonus of 10 templates in link above.
9. Use of at least one image to increase clicks
People in social media prefer to see images rather than seeing writing.
Compared text, photos on Facebook to get more like and comments. The difference is also far enough away.
Now, let us compare:
Among articles that do not have any images ...
... With the picture.
Post a picture
I am sure all would agree that the display is "invited" to click on.
Uploading images to the content does not take a long time, so do not let you miss the chance of a huge traffic just because of a little lazy.
We can also get a complimentary photo at:
Stock Up
Pablo (can be directly given text)
10. Newsjacking - steal traffic from news that are hot
What would you do if there is news that are hot in the same topic with your blog?
Joined to make a news article?
If yes ... you missed a great opportunity.
On the same day when the news circulated, there are thousands to millions of blogs and other news websites that also make a news article that's it.
As a result, the content of your sink.
But there are way more powerful:
Newsjacking means we create a news-related content that trend but added ideas, explanations, or ideas of your own.
Around February-March 2015 there is the phenomenon of The Dress. (The dress was blue-black but looked like a white-gold).
While others are busy making news website,
The Wired in this article provides an explanation behind the phenomenon earlier.
Consequently, as long as the trend is still warm .. their content as well so come warm.
Similarly, the video from ASAP Science which received 20 million views.
Video thedress
So, next time when there is news that heat should not only make the news .. but give your analysis behind the news.
11. Create content on a collection of articles / blog
If anyone had a blog, I recommend at least there is one set of content.
The collection of content, for example:
"10 best health blogger in Indonesia", "17 successful bloggers from Jakarta", "21 articles of diet that you need to read", etc ...
The bottom line in the first article contains the list of blogs or articles belonging to other people.
There are two advantages:
1. Content such as this tend to be more popular than regular content
2. Can be used as a medium to build relationships with other bloggers (such as number 6 last)
This is one example of a shaped article collection that I made:
Tips Blogging Success
Within a few hours after being issued, Sahabat GOOGLE direct visitors increased by up to 4x over!
Visitors increased dramatically
How did it happen?
Because nearly all bloggers that I put in the article ultimately helping to promote the article ... although I did not know before.
They share their name because there is in it.
And they-they already have thousands or even hundreds of thousands of followers.
Once the share alone could instantly send hundreds to thousands of visitors.
Not only that ...
Readers of the blog site really like it when there is one article that it is very, very complete. The happier they are, the higher the chances of your article to be recommended.
That's why you should have articles as examples.
12. Collect email loyal readers, to do list building
If you watch carefully, in some places on this website no email registration form.
What for?
In order for those who like the content we remember to come back again when there is new content.
For those of you who have an online business, list building and email marketing is also the best medium to transform from an unknown person to become loyal customers.
Email has been known for a long time as the best source of traffic.
Beat the search engines.
Similarly, in relation to bring in visitors.
Those who register their email are those who are satisfied with your item. They want more .. and they want to share your content with others.
Therefore, catch these people in order to become a member.
Read guides list building this.
B. Increase organic traffic (from search engines)
Basically, Google (and other search engines) it is only a source of traffic for website owners.
Just like Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks.
But there is a reason why search engines are separated in this guide ...
... Because trafficnya sustainable and high quality.
Through the non-organic sources earlier, we can get an explosion of traffic in large quantities in a short time. The explosion was not long (unless you already have a lot of followers).
Thus the different search engines.
So the process is this:
Traffic from non-organic aims to raise the ranking in search engines for getting quality backlinks, so the website gets traffic long term.
To get traffic from search engines, there should you prepare.
Here's seven of them.
13. Always choose keywords with high search volume
A friend of mine used to say this:
"My article has been ranked 1st in Google without dizziness think about SEO".
Great right?
Unfortunately ... not too.
As it turns out homemade articles get ranked first for keywords that are not desirable, alias no one is searching.
So this is what you should do every time you create new content:
1. Specify the topic
2. Enter a topic into Google Keyword Planner
3. Find a combination of words that most large volume
For example..
You want to make articles unbiased guide to
applying for work.
Enter a subject to GKP.
Keyword applying for work
It turns out there is a combination of higher search word, which is "to apply for a job".
Then use this keyword as the main keyword in this section:
1. body article
2. Title
3. meta description
Tip: if you do not understand some of the terms above and how it works, please read the
manual for beginners keyword research and
SEO guide it.
14. Collect derivative keyword to dominate the long tail
In the above example, although the volume was only 590 but in fact if a keyword is added to the total derivative so in 1060.
There are two keywords other than the main keyword.
That is "a job" (260 searches) and "job application tips" (210 searches).
So in addition to using the main keywords in the article, title, and meta description, keyword derivatives include as much as possible.
So for example the title "How to apply for a job - 21 easy tips to quickly get a job".
This title already contains 3 keywords before, but still readable as appropriate grammar.
Not only that….
Keywords "how to get a job", "how to easily get a job", "how to easily get a job" each had a volume of 210, 210, and 110.
How to get a job keywords
After totalized over, we now have 1590 search.
Quite right, an additional 1000 of the main keyword.
15. Create featured content that could bring backlink
Ever hear the term quality seeds?
Farmers have always wanted to plant the seeds excel in their fields because of good quality and quick to bear fruit.
Such is the philosophy of superior content (an).
That is so awesome content that makes a lot of farmers (in this case blogger) want to plant your content links in the fields (website) them.
Surely it would be fruitful, in the form of backlink for you.
The key to creating superior content only 2:
The topic should be recommended (especially in public)
Its weight should be much higher than other content
Not all topics could be featured content.
Although the topics that have high search though, not necessarily to get backlinks.
It is complex enough to be discussed further, then you should read the article guide create featured content .
16. articles for search engine optimization
Optimization SEO-friendly articles that are not difficult, but it is often made difficult by the many bloggers who are new to SEO.
I remind you one thing only:
Do not do excessive optimization. Your article will be like a robot, it is difficult to read.
Basically, the term SEO articles SEO also is inherited from the old school where we manipulate Google tries to give a special percentage for the occurrence of the word keywords in the article. The term keyword density.
Consequently fatal ...
Your article will be considered spam by Google.
What's worse, the visitor will not be satisfied with a dish of your reading.
(the order is correct as it was)
We do not write for the robot, but for humans.
So your main focus is to satisfy humans, when humans were content then Google puts you at the top.
So in modern SEO, the SEO-friendly articles are articles that are human-friendly.
But there is also a special optimization for search engines. Read the guidelines make SEO article here .
17. Provide linkable assets - assets that invites backlink
A long article is 1500 words, all the letters
Articles and 1,500 words in length, include pictures, graphs, tables
Suppose the same topic, quality is equivalent.
Which one makes you more interested in recommending?
Article B .. right?
This is because article B assets.
Image and data display it is an asset that could invite backlink.
Other examples:
1. eBook
2. Checklist, workbook, action list
3. Photo shoots himself (should be interesting)
4. Infographics, audio, and video
5. The data presented in graphs or tables
6. Tool, templates, plugins, etc.
7. The new term
A backlink is a recommendation form of recommendation ... is a story to others.
Assets that could provide additional story content.
For example I had put the percentage data like and comment on Facebook by HubSpot. The data I post because it could tell me more specifically to the readers of this article.
Compare again:
Indonesian Internet users increased 325% in 5 years
Indonesian Internet users increased rapidly
When I want to tell others, certainly more interesting the first. Because it is more specific and can be imagined.
Similarly to other assets such as ebooks and templates.
Both will be more interesting to be recommended to others because there is something we can take directly than just reading.
18. Make a link building
In an effort to get visitors from search engines, backlinks are key.
Make featured content, create assets, it is an attempt to link the earnings .. get backlinks.
Earning .. passive, we are waiting for someone else give the link.
There is one more form that is link building or
backlink building.
Link building means that we who actively get backlinks to outside websites, do not wait passively.
I will not talk at length about the link building because in this article there are 10 ways to get backlinks .
19. Apply a proactive SEO techniques to boost rankings
In this guide there are 14 SEO techniques that you can do now.
When you've finished doing what is in this article, rushed to the article 14 to apply the technique again.
A few ...
That's all the things I do on a regular basis to improve this blog traffic.
From Sahabat GOOGLE, I know two types of readers:
1. Those who directly apply what they read, and then after a few weeks they will email me to tell me they succeed
2. Those who find the practice too tiring, then return to the forum to ask the same thing again "can so crowded my blog how?"
Be the first ...
After that, call me to ask what part of the country's difficult you practice.
Do not forget to send me an email if you successfully increase your blog traffic! Who knows later blog I will discuss also here.
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