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The Origin Of The Kingdom Panjalu Ciamis Jawabarat Indonesian

55 min read
Gerbang Situ Lengkong Panjalu




Panjalu is a Hindu-style kingdom located at the foot of Mount Sawal (1764 m above sea level) of West Java. Geographically in the 13th to 16th century (1200s to 1500s) Kingdom of Panjalu borders the Kingdom of Talaga, the Kingdom of Kuningan, and Cirebon to the north. In the east of Panjalu Kingdom is bordered by Kawali (Capital of the Kingdom of Sunda 1333-1482), its southern border with Galuh Kingdom, while in the west is bordered by the Kingdom of Galunggung and the Kingdom of Sumedang Larang.

Panjalu comes from the word jalu (bhs. Sunda) which means male, good, masculine, preceded by the pa (n) prefix. The word connotes connotes the words: hero, champion, warrior, warrior (English: warriors, warriors), and knights (English: knights, officers).

There are also Panjalu people who say that the word panjalu means "female" because it comes from the prefixed male word, similar to the word male (male English) which when given prefix fe + male become female (bhs.English: female). It is said that this name was held because Panjalu was once ruled by a queen named Queen Permanadewi.

Given the general stereotypes or assumptions of the Panjalu people's character to date in the eyes of the Sundanese in general, or compared to the Sundanese character in general, the Panjalu people are known to be harder, the militants are also well-respected for supposedly possessing many inheritance kanuragan knowledge from their forefathers, therefore the meaning of the first word Panjalu seems to be closer to conformity.

According to Munoz (2006), the Kingdom of Panjalu Ciamis (West Java) was the successor of the Kingdom of Panjalu Kediri (East Java) because after the Emperor Kertajaya King Panjalu Kediri last defeated by Ken Angrok (Ken Arok) in 1222, the remains of the family and followers of the Kertajaya it fled to the Ciamis Panjalu area. That is why these two kingdoms have the same name and the Kingdom of Panjalu Ciamis is the successor of Panjalu Kediri civilization.

The name Panjalu itself began to be known when the area was under the reign of Sang Sang Sang Ryang Sakti and the successor of Sanghyang Rangga Gumilang; before the Panjalu area is better known as the Sawu Kabalutan or Sawal Mountains. The term Kabuyutan is identical to the region Kabataraan region that has religious authority (Hindu) like Galunggung Galunggung or Galunggung Regency.

Kabuyutan is a place or area that is considered sacred and usually located at a higher location than the surrounding area, usually in the formerly territories of Kabuyutan also found megalithic sites (ancient rocks) prehistoric prehistoric times.


The founder of the Panjalu Kingdom is Batara Tesnajati whose petilasannya is found in Karantenan Gunung Sawal. Given the title of Batara he holds, it is most likely at the beginning of the establishment of Panjalu is a Kabataraan area as well as the Galunggung Regency founded by Batara Semplak Waja prince of Wretikandayun (670-702), the founder of the Kingdom of Galuh.

Kabataraan district is a sacred throne that focuses more on religious or spiritual fields, thereby a Batara other than acting as King also acts as Brahmana or Resiguru. A Batara in the Sundanese Empire has a very important position because he has a special power of power to abolish or ordain or initiate the coronation of a Emperor who ascended the throne of Sunda.

According to the historical sources of the Galunggung Kingdom, the Batara who once reigned in Galunggung were Batara Semplak Waja, Batara Kuncung Putih, Batara Kawindu, Batara Wastuhayu, and Batari Hyang. Based on the inscription of Geger Hanjuang, Batari Hyang was crowned Galunggung ruler on August 21, 1111 M or 13 Bhadrapada 1033 Caka.

Galunggung's capital is the forerunner of the Kingdom of Galunggung which later became the Sukapura District (Tasikmalaya).

It is possible that after the end of the Galunggung period the power of liberation in the Sunda Kingdom was held by Batara Tesnajati from Karantenan Mount Sawal Panjalu.

The battalion who ever reigned in Karantenan Mount Sawal was Batara Tesnajati, Batara Layah and Batara Karimun Putih. During the reign of King Sanghyang Rangga Sakti, the son of Batara Karimun Putih, Panjalu was transformed from becoming a kingdom.

It is estimated that the Sunda power of Sunda was then followed by King Guru Aji Putih on Mount Tembong Agung, King Guru Aji Putih was a figure who became the pioneer of the Kingdom of Sumedang Larang. Prabu Guru Aji Putih was succeeded by his son named Prabu Resi Tajimalela, according to Sumedang Larang's historical source, King Resi Tajimalela lived a life with the Sundanese Emperor named Ragamulya Luhurprabawa (1340-1350). King Resi Tajimalela was succeeded by his son named Prabu Resi Lembu Agung, then Prabu Resi Lembu Agung was succeeded by his brother named Prabu Gajah Agung who domiciled in Ciguling. Under the reign of Agung Gajah Agung, Sumedang Larang transitions from the region into kingdom.

The power of the world is then extended by Batara Gunung Picung which is the forerunner of the Kingdom of Talaga (Majalengka). Batara Gunung Picung is the son of Suryadewata, while Suryadewata is the youngest son of the Sunda Emperor named Ajiguna Linggawisesa (1333-1340), Batara Gunung Picung is replaced by his son named Pandita Prabu Darmasuci, while Pandita Prabu Darmasuci was later succeeded by his son named Begawan Garasiang. Begawan Garasiang was succeeded by his brother as King Talaga named Sunan Talaga Ganggung and since then Talaga became a kingdom.


The kingdom of Sunda is a kingdom that is the unification of two big kingdoms in Sunda that are closely related, namely the Kingdom of Sunda founded by the Emperor Tarusbawa (669-723) and Galuh Kingdom founded by Wretikandayun (670-702). The two kingdoms are reunited under one crown of the Kingdom of Sunda by Wretikandayun granddaughter named Sanjaya (723-732) formerly Rakeyan Jamri and became the ruler of Sunda Kingdom called Sang Harisdarma. Sunda and Galuh were previously fractions of the Kingdom of Tarumanagara (358-669).

Based on historical heritage such as inscriptions and ancient manuscripts, the capital of Sunda Kingdom is located in the area that is now Bogor city, Pakwan Pajajaran, while the capital of Galuh Kingdom is now Ciamis city, precisely at Kawali. However, many sources of historical relics that mention the unity of these two kingdoms with the name of the Sunda Kingdom alone or precisely the Sundanese Empire and its inhabitants are now referred to as Sundanese.

Panjalu is one of the local kingdoms belonging to the Sundanese empire because the Sunda Kingdom from the Sanjaya period (723-732) to Sri Baduga Maharaja (1482-1521) is all West Java including Banten and DKI Jakarta and the western part of Central Java Province , from Ujung Kulon to the west to Cipamali River (Kali Brebes) and Ciserayu River (Serayu River) to the east.

According to the Wangsakerta Manuscripts, the Sundanese Empire also covers Lampung Province now as a result of weddings between the rulers of the region, one of which is Niskala Wastu Kancana (1371-1475) who married Nay Rara Sarkati the princess of the Lampung ruler, and from the marriage gave birth to the Haliwungan the throne of Pakwan Pajajaran (Sunda) as King Susuktunggal (1475-1482), while from Nay Ratna Mayangsari Hyang Bunisora's first princess (1357-1371), Niskala Wastu Kancana son of Ningrat Kancana who ascended the throne of Kawali (Galuh) as King Dewa Niskala (1475- 1482).

The location of the Panjalu Kingdom which borders directly with Kawali and Galuh also shows a close relationship with the Sundanese Empire because according to Ekadjati (93:75) there are four areas that have become the capital of Sunda namely: Galuh, Parahajyan Sunda, Kawali, and Pakwan Pajajaran.

Other kingdoms that are part of the Sunda Empire are: Cirebon Larang, Cirebon Girang, Sindangbarang, Sukapura, Kidanglamatan, Galuh, Aston Tajeknasing, Sumedang Larang, Ujung Muhara, Ajong Kidul, Kamuning Gading, Pancakaki, Tanjung Singguru, Nusa Kalapa, Banten Girang and Ujung Kulon (Hageman, 1967: 209). In addition, Sunda also has ports headed by a Syahbandar, Bantam (Banten), Pontang (Puntang), Chegujde (Cigede), Tanggerang, Kalapa (Sunda Kalapa), and Chimanuk (Cimanuk) (Armando Cortesao, 1944: 196 ).

Another interesting attraction between Sundanese Kingdom and Panjalu Kingdom is that based on Sunda's historical record, Hyang Bunisora ​​was replaced by his nephew and son-in-law Niskala Wastu Kancana who, after his death in Nusa Larang, while according to Babad Panjalu, the heroic figure in Nusa Larang is Prabu Rahyang Kancana son of King Sanghyang Borosngora.

There is a suspicion of Sanghyang Borosngora who became the King of Panjalu was Hyang Bunisora ​​Suradipati, he was the younger sister of Linggabuana who was killed in the palembang of Bubat against the Majapahit army in 1357. Hyang Bunisora ​​served as Mangkubumi Suradipati representing his niece Niskala Wastu Kancana who was 9 years old on the throne of Kawali . Hyang Bunisora ​​is also known as the King of Lelean and Batara Guru in Jampang for being a hermit or a good fortune in Jampang (Sukabumi). Of course, need further research to make sure this guess.

Meanwhile, another source from the Panjalu connection with Sunda, from Wawacan History Galuh, explained that after the collapse of Pajajaran, the princes and Pajajaran kings fled to Panjalu, Kawali, and Kuningan.


Founder of Kahuripan Kingdom is Airlangga or often abbreviated as Erlangga, who reigned in 1009-1042, with his abstract title Sri Maharaja Rakai Halu Sri Dharmawangsa Airlangga Anantawikramottunggadewa. The name Airlangga means water that jumps. He was born in 990. His mother was Mahendradatta, a daughter of the Emperor of the Kingdom of Medang. His father was Udayana, king of the Kingdom of Bedahulu, Bali from Warmadewa House.

Airlangga has two younger siblings, namely Marakata (being king of Bali after their father's death) and Son Wungsu (ascended the throne after Marakata left).

According to the Pucangan Inscription, in 1006 Airlangga married his uncle's daughter Dharmawangsa (brother Mahendradatta) in Watan, capital of Medang Kingdom. Suddenly the city of Watan was invaded by King Wurawari from Lwaram, who was the ally of Sriwijaya Kingdom. In the attack, Dharmawangsa was killed, while Airlangga escaped the mountain forest (wanagiri) accompanied by his assistant named Mpu Narotama. At that time he was 16, and began living life as a hermit. One of the evidence of Airlangga's petals during the flight can be found in Sendang Made, Kudu, Jombang, East Java.

The name of the kingdom founded by Airlangga is commonly called Kahuripan Kingdom. In fact, Kahuripan is just one of the names of the royal capital that Airlangga had once been. After three years of living in the forest, Airlangga came to the people's messenger who asked him to rebuild the Medang Kingdom. Considering the city of Watan was destroyed, Airlangga also built a new capital called Watan Mas near Gunung Penanggungan. The name of the city is recorded in the Cane Inscription (1021).

According to the Terep Inscription (1032), Watan Mas was then captured by the enemy, so Airlangga fled to the village of Patakan. Based on the Kamalagyan inscription (1037), the royal capital has moved to Kahuripan (now Sidoarjo area).

According to Pamwatan Inscription (1042), the royal center then moved to Daha (now Kediri area). This news corresponds to the script of Calon Arang Fiber that calls Airlangga as king of Daha. In fact, Nagarakretagama also called Airlangga as king of Panjalu based in Daha.

When Airlangga ascended the throne in 1009, his kingdom only covered the Sidoarjo and Pasuruan areas, because after the death of Dharmawangsa, many subordinates were discharged. The first thing that Airlangga did was to build strength to reestablish the power of the Isyana Dynasty over Java.

In 1023 the Kingdom of Sriwijaya, the great enemy of the Isyana Dynasty, was defeated by Rajendra Coladewa, King Colamandala of India.

This made Airlangga feel more prepared to conquer Java island. The first ruler to be defeated by Airlangga was King Hasin. In 1030 Airlangga defeated Wisnuprabhawa King Wuratan, Wijayawarma Raja Wengker, then Panuda Raja Lewa.

In 1031 the Panuda son tried to take revenge but was defeated by Airlangga. The capital of Lewa was destroyed.

In 1032 a female king from Tulungagung area now defeated Airlangga. Watan Mas Castle was destroyed. Airlangga was forced to escape to Patakan Village accompanied by Mapanji Tumanggala. Airlangga built a new capital in Kahuripan. The king of the king finally defeated him. In 1032 Airlangga and Mpu Narotama defeated King Wurawari, avenging Wangsa Isyana.

Finally, in 1035 Airlangga defeated Wijayawarma's King Wengker rebellion which he had previously conquered. Wijayawarma fled the city of Tapa but later died killed by his own people.

After a peaceful condition, Airlangga began to develop development for the sake of the well-being of its people. The development recorded in his remains is among others.

1. Build Sri Wijaya Dormitory in 1036.

2. Build Waringin Sapta Dam in 1037 to prevent seasonal floods.

3. Fixed the End of Galuh Harbor, located at the mouth of the Brantas River, near Surabaya now.

4. Build roads connecting coastal areas to central government.

5.The establishment of Mount Pohon in the year 1041.

6. Transfer the capital from Kahuripan to Daha.

Airlangga also paid attention to literary art. In 1035 Mpu Kanwa wrote Arjuna Wiwaha adapted from the epic Mahabharata. The book tells of the struggle Arjuna defeats Niwatakawaca, as Airlangga's metaphorical defeat Wurawari.

In 1042 Airlangga descended the throne to become a priest. According to Calon Arang Fiber, he later holds Resi Erlangga Jatiningrat, while according to Babad Tanah Jawi he is called Gentian Resi. But most believable is the inscription Gandhakuti (1042) who calls the title of Airlangga clergy is the Resi Aji Paduka Mpungku Sang Pinaka Catraning Bhuwana.

According to folklore, Airlangga's crown princess declined to be king and chose to live as a hermit named Dewi Kili Suci. The original name of the princess in the Cane inscription (1021) until the Turun Hyang (1035) inscription is Sanggramawijaya Tunggadewi.

According to Calon Arang Fiber, Airlangga then confused to choose a replacement because his two sons competed for the throne. Recalling himself as the son of the Balinese king, he also intends to place one of his sons on the island.

His teacher, Mpu Bharada, went to Bali to propose the intention but failed.

Historical facts show Udayana replaced her second son named Marakata as King of Bali, and Marakata then replaced another sister, Son Wungsu.

Airlangga was forced to divide the two kingdoms. Mpu Bharada is mandated to set the border between the west and the east. This fate is recorded in Coal Calorie Fiber, Nagarakretagama, and Inscription of Turun Hyang II. Then created two new kingdoms. The western kingdom is called Panjalu or Kadiri based in the new city, namely Daha, ruled by Sri Samarawijaya. While the eastern kingdom named Janggala is based in the old city, Kahuripan, ruled by Mapanji Garasakan.

In Pamwatan's inscription, November 20, 1042, Airlangga is still the Emperor, while in the Gandhakuti Inscription, November 24, 1042 he has been Resi Aji Paduka Mpungku. Thus, the events of the fission of the kingdom are estimated to occur between the two dates. Not known exactly when Airlangga died. Sumengka inscription (1059) relics of the Kingdom of Janggala only mentions, Resi Aji Paduka Mpungku is buried in tirtha or bathing.

The bathing pool most suited to Sumengka inscriptions is the Belahan Temple on the slopes of Mount Penanggungan. At the pond was found the Vishnu sculpture with two goddesses.

Based on Puncangan Inscription (1041) it is known that Airlangga is a devout Hindu devotee.

Thus, these three statues can be estimated as the symbol of Airlangga with his two wives, the mother of Sri Samarawijaya and mother Mapanji Garasakan.

At the Belahan Temple found the figure of 1049. It is uncertain whether the year was the year of Airlangga's death, or the year of the temple's development.

The Emperor Jayabhaya was the King of Kadiri who ruled around 1135-1157. The full title is Sri Maharaja Sang Mapanji Jayabhaya Sri Warmeswara Madhusudana Awataranindita Suhtrisingha Parakrama Uttunggadewa. The Jayabhaya government was regarded as Kadiri's success. Its historical remains include Hantang inscriptions (1135), Talan inscriptions (1136), and Japanese inscriptions (1144), and Kakawin Bharatayuddha (1157).

On the Hantang inscription, or commonly called the Ngantang inscription, there is a slogan of Panjalu Jayati, which means Kadiri won. This inscription was issued as a charter of the award for the villagers Ngantang loyal to Kadiri during the war against the Janggala. From the inscription it is known that Jayabhaya is the king who successfully defeated the Janggala and reunites with Kadiri. Jayabhaya's victory over the Janggala was symbolized as a Pandavas victory over Korawa in the Bharatayuddha kakawin composed by Mpu Sedah and Mpu Panuluh in 1157.

Sri Maharaja Kertajaya is Kadiri's last king who reigned around 1194-1222. At the end of his reign, he was defeated by Ken Arok from Tumapel or Singhasari, marking the end of the Kadiri Kingdom.

The name Kertajaya is found in Nagarakretagama (1365) authored hundreds of years after the Kadiri period. Evidence of the history of the existence of the Kertajaya figure is the discovery of the Galunggung Inscription (1194), the Kamulan Inscription (1194), the Inscription Palah (1197), and the Wates Kulon Inscription (1205). From the inscriptions it can be known that the title of abhiseka Kertajaya is Sri Maharaja Sri Sarweswara Triwikramawatara Anindita Srenggalancana Digjaya Uttunggadewa.

In Pararaton, Kertajaya is named by Prabu Dandhang Gendis. Narrated at the end of his reign he declares to want to be worshiped by Hindu and Buddhist pastors. Certainly the desire was rejected, though Dandhang Gendis displayed his miracle by sitting on a standing spear.

The priests chose to take refuge in Ken Arok, subordinate Dandhang Gendis subordinate to Tumapel. Ken Arok then became king and declared Tumapel independent, escaped from Kadiri. Dandhang Gendis was not afraid anymore. He claimed to be only defeated by Shiva. Hearing that, Ken Arok also used the Guru Bhatara title (another name for Siwa) and moved to lead Kadiri attacking Kadiri.

The battle between Tumapel and Kadiri took place near Ganter Village in 1222. The Kadiri commanders were Mahisa Walungan (sister Dandhang Gendis) and Gubar Baleman died in the hands of Ken Arok. Dandhang Gendis himself escaped and hid up into heaven.

Nagarakretagama also briefly tells the story of Kertajaya's defeat. Mentioned that Kertajaya fled and hid in the dewalaya (the place of the god).

The two manuscripts (Pararaton and Nagarakretagama) reported that the Kertajaya refugee camp was the goddess. Perhaps it is Kertajaya hiding in a temple of worship, or maybe Kertajaya was killed and became a refuge of fine nature (hereafter)

Since 1222 Kadiri became subordinate Tumapel (Singhasari). According to Nagarakretagama, the son of Kertajaya named Jayasabha was appointed Ken Arok as Kadiri Regent. In 1258 Jayasabha was replaced by his son, Sastrajaya.

Then in 1271 Sastrajaya replaced his son named Jayakatwang. In 1292, Jayakatwang rebelled and ended Tumapel's history.

The news is not in line with the manuscript of the Early Warning of Malurung (1255), which states that the Kadiri rulers after Kertajaya were Bhatara Parameswara son of Bhatara Siwa (aka Ken Arok). The Jayakatwang according to the inscription The Penanggungan was the Regent of the Bracelet which later became the King of Kadiri after destroying Tumapel in 1292.

The historical sources of the Panjalu Kingdom of Ciamis did not say that there was no explicit mention of his relationship with the Kingdom of Panjalu Kediri, but the similarity of the names of both kingdoms showed little red thread between them, especially the name of King Panjalu Kediri Maharaja Kertajaya (1194-1222) mentioned in the Galunggung Inscription (1194).

Paul Michel Munoz (2006) suggested that the remains and families of Kertajaya (the last king of the Sanjaya Dynasty in East Java) fled to the Panjalu area (Sukapura / Ciamis) in 1222 to avoid Ken Angrok's massacre (the founder of Singhasari Kingdom / Rajasa dynasty. Kertajaya himself as the last king of Kediri was killed in a battle in Tumapel against the rebellion of Akuwu Tumapel, Ken Angrok.

Based on the book Nagarakretagama, Maharaja Kertajaya hid in Dewalaya (place of God) or holy place, it is not impossible for the emperor Kertajaya not to be defeated at the hands of Ken Arok, but escaped to Kabalaraan Gunung Sawal (Panjalu Ciamis) which is a holy place where Batara's ( God) Tesnajati.


The capital or royal center of Panjalu is moving in line with the development of the times, some of the locations that once became the center of government are:

Salary Mount Sawal

Karantenan Mount Sawal became the center of the current kingdom of Panjalu being the district of Kebarasaan, which was during the reign of Batara Tesnajati, Batara Layah and Batara Karimun Putih. At Sawant Mount Sawal there are sacred springs and an artefact of a miko-shaped stone-shaped site measuring approximately 1.7 mx 1.5 mx 0.2 m. This stone is believed to be strongly used as a means of religious ceremonies, including the coronation of the Panjalu kings and even the coronation of the Emperor of Sunda.

Dayeuhluhur Maparah

Dayeuhluhur became the center of government since the time of King Sanghyang Rangga Sakti to King Sanghyang Cakradewa. The Dayeuhluhur caprabon is located on the hill of Citatah on the edge of Situ Bahara (Situ Sanghyang). Not far from Dayeuhluhur there is a Bananjalu banal forest which becomes the place of the Panjalu kings. It is said that I RI President Ir Soekarno has also pilgrimage to this place during his youth to seek the guidance of God YME in order to struggle the independence movement of Indonesia.

Nusa Larang

King Sanghyang Borosngora moved the kaprabon (king's residence) from Dayeuhluhur to Nusa Larang. Nusa Larang is an island located in the middle of Situ Lengkong. It is also named Nusa Gede because in the past there is also a smaller island named Nusa Pakel (now it is absent because it merges with the mainland so resembles the cape). To cross there to the Keraton Nusa Larang was built a Cukang Padung (bridge) guarded by Gulang-gulang (gatekeeper) named Apun Otek. While Nusa Pakel was made Tamansari and Hujung Winangun built Kapatihan for Patih Sanghyang Panji Barani.Dayeuh Nagasari Ciomas

Dayeuh Nagasari was made king's residence during the reign of King Rahyang Kancana up to the reign of Regent Raden Arya Wirabaya.

Nagasari is now included in the area of ​​Ciomas Village, Panjalu Subdistrict, Ciamis.

During the reign of King Rahyang Kancana, in Ciomas there was also a local government headed by a Dalem (Regent) named Dalem Mangkubumi whose territory entered into the kingdom of Panjalu.

Ciomas Panjalu's pedigree

Great Foster.

Buyut Pangasuh.

Buyut Surangganta.

Buyut Suranggading.

Dalem Mangkubumi.

Lord of the Kings.

Dalem Wangsaniangga.

Dalem Wangsanangga.

Dalem Margabangsa.

Demang Wangsadipraja. Patih Panjalu during the reign of Arya Sumalah and Prince Arya Sacanata, the son of Demang Wargabangsa I.

Demang Wargabangsa I. Patih Panjalu during the reign of Arya Wirabaya, the son of Demang Wargabangsa II.

Demang Wargabangsa II. Patih Panjalu during the reign of Tumenggung Wirapraja, married Nyi Raden Siti Kalimah binti Raden Jiwakrama bin Prince Arya Sacanata, son of Demang Dirhamantri I.

The Royal Demang I. Patih Panjalu during the reign of Tumenggung Cakranagara I, married Nyi Raden Panatamantri binti Tumenggung Cakranagara I and had three children named 1) Demang Diramantri II, 2) Demang Wangsadipraja, and Nyi Raden Sanggrana (married to a Sultan of Cirebon)

Demang Diramantri II. Patih Panjalu during the reign of Tumenggung Cakranagara II replaces Demang Suradipraja. While the younger brother of Demang Wangsadipraja became Patih Panjalu during the reign of Tumenggung Cakranagara III, Demang Wangsadipraja had two children namely: 1) Demang Prajanagara, and 2) Demang Cakrayuda.

Demang Prajanagara was appointed Patih Galuh, while his younger brother Demang Cakrayuda was appointed Patih Kuningan. Demang Cakrayuda married Nyi Raden Rengganingrum binti Tumenggung Cakranagara II and lowered the prince named Demang Dendareja.

Demang Dendareja was appointed Patih Galuh.

Dayeuh Panjalu

Raden Tumenggung Wirapraja then moved the regent's residence to Dayeuh Panjalu now.

Meanwhile, the center of the Panjalu kingdom is marked with nine sting guard of the guard, which is the stub which is the central boundary of the kingdom and serves as a guard post known as Batara Sembilan, consisting of:

Sri Manggelong in Kubang Kelong, Rinduwangi

Sri Manggulang in Cipalika, Bahara

Kebo Patenggel at Muhara Cilutung, Hujungtiwu

Sri Keukeuh Saeukeurweuleuh in Ranca Gaul, Tengger

Cousins ​​in Giut Tenjolaya, Sindangherang

The Bukas Tangan in Citaman, Citatah

Batara Terus Patala di Ganjar Ciroke, Golat

The Queen of Lahuta at the Great Elephant Cilimus, Banjarangsana

Sri Pakuntilan in Curug Goong, Maparah


According to a story that was passed down through generations, the entry of Islam into Panjalu was brought by Sanghyang Borosngora who was interested in learning to Mecca and then Islamized by Sayidina Ali bin Abi Thalib RA The people's legends are similar to the story of Prince Kian Santang or Sunan Godog Garut when Kian Santang or Sangara King (brother of Cakrabuana Walangsungsang's brother) who after being inaudible by Baginda Ali in Mecca then tried to sympathize his father Siliwangi.

Meanwhile according to Babad Panjalu: from Ali, Sanghyang Borosngora received souvenirs in the form of zamzam water, swords, cis (sticks) and clothing. The zamzam water was then used as the forefront of Situ Lengkong water, while the heritage of Ali's gift was still stored in the Alit of Sanctuary and was revived after being cleansed every Mulud month in Nyangku ceremony in Panjalu on Monday or the last Thursday of Maulud ( Rabiul Awal).

During the 110th anniversary of Mataram's occupation (1595-1705), who served as the Regent of Panjalu in succession was:

Raden Arya Sumalah

Prince Arya Sacanata aka Prince Arya Salingsingan

Raden Arya Wirabaya

Raden Tumenggung Wirapraja


Under the VOC agreement with Mataram on October 5, 1705, all West Java region except Banten falls into the hands of the Company. To supervise and preside over these Priangan regents, in 1706 VOC Governor-General Joan van Hoorn (1704-1709) lifted Prince Arya Cirebon (1706-1723) as an opzigter or Charity Region Acting.

The Governor-General of the VOC made the Regent as the executor or verplichte leverantie agent or mandatory delivery agent for trading commodities such as clove, nutmeg, pepper, coffee, indigo and sugarcane.

The VOC policy was very burdensome to the lives of small peoples, resulting in 1703 riots run by Raden Alit or RH Prawatasari a noble (aristocratic) Cianjur descendant of Panjalu from Jampang (Sukabumi). This riot driven by RH Prawatasari struck the entire VOC interests in the region of Priangan (West Java) especially in Cianjur, Bogor, and Sumedang. In Eastern Priangan especially Galuh, this rioting struck the Main area, Bojonglopang and Kawasen.

However, the revolt of Raw Prawatasari was finally extinguished by the VOC on July 12, 1707, Raden Haji Prawatasari was caught in an exciting battle in the Bagelen area, Banyumas and then separated into Kartasura.

After the RH Prawatasari rebellion, during the reign of Prince Arya Cirebon, Raden Prajasasana (son of Raden Arya Wiradipa, Prince Arya Sacanata) who became subdistrict of Prince Arya Cirebon was appointed as Regent of Panjalu with Raden Tumenggung Cakranagara title replacing Raden Tumenggung Wirapraja.

In 1819, Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies GAGPh. Baron Van der Capellen (1816-1826) combines Panjalu Regency and Kawali District into Galuh Regency. Thus in that year Raden Tumenggung Cakranagara III was retired as Regent of Panjalu, while in Galuh district, Regent Wiradikusumah was also replaced by his son named Adipati Adikusumah (1819-1839).

Since then Panjalu be kademangan area under the district grow and Minister Cakranagara III oldest son named Raden Sumawijaya appointed as demat Panjalu (Demat is Wedana department level) while the seventh son Cakranagara III named Raden Arya was appointed district officer Cakradikusumah Orchard. At that time the face is one level above department head (assistant district officer).

Raden Sumawijaya died after being replaced by his eldest son named Raden Aldakusumah as demat Panjalu, moreover eldest son of Wedana Orchard Raden Raden Arya Cakradikusumah Argakusumah Minister was appointed Regent Dermayu (now Jakarta) with the title of Raden Minister Cakranagara IV.

In 1915 she was renamed the District Ciamis and added Priangan after it is released from the administration area of ​​Delhi. Between the years 1926-1942 the Philippines was added afdeeling East ACC together with Tasikmalaya and Garut and Tasikmalaya afdeeling capital. On 1 January 1926 the Dutch government split the island of Java into three provinces, namely West Java, Central Java and East Java. Disunity today is a district in Ciamis regency, West Java province.

Raden Minister Cakranagara III, Raden Sumawijaya, and Raden Raden Aldakusumah Minister Argakusumah (Cakranagara IV) is buried in Nusa Ban Leng Panjalu Lake, is one location with the grave of his son King Rahyang Petersberg Borosngora Ozomatli.

Today Nusa Banning and Lake Leng Panjalu into nature tourism and pilgrimage tourism Islami in Ciamis and always visited by pilgrims from all over Indonesia, especially from the East, especially after the President of the IV Republic Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur known for some time on a pilgrimage Nusa Expensive and admitted that he also descended Panjalu.


Batara Tesnajati

Tesnajati Batara is the founder of Mountain Kabataraan Yes, he had a son named Batara Swoop. Batara Petilasan Tesnajati there in Karantenan Mount Yes.

Batara Swoop

Swoop Batara Batara succeeded his father as in Karantenan Mountain Panjalu Yes, he had a son named Batara Karimun White.

Batara Karimun White

He succeeded his father to become a god on Mount Panjalu Yes, he had a son named David Sanghyang Kimberly Way.

Trance King Kimberly Way

Kimberly Trance king ascended the throne as King Way Panjalu, since that time period kebataraan in Panjalu ended. He built the kingdom in Dieng, Maparah and had a son named Trance Kimberly Harris. Trance Kimberly Way petilasannya located in Cipanjalu.

Trance King Kimberly Harris

Kimberly Harris Trance Panjalu his father's throne. He married a daughter of Queen Permanadewi She called and had a son named Trance Cow pith. Trance King Petilasan Kimberly Harris is located in Cipanjalu.

Cattle King pith Trance I

Cattle Trance pith I ascended the throne as King Panjalu, he had a son named Trance Cakradewa.

King Trance Cakradewa

Trance Cakradewa taken a princess named Ratu Sari She Kidang Finding and has six children, namely:

Cattle Trance pith II,

Trance Borosngora,

Trance Flag Barani,

Trance Anggarunting,

Queen Mamprang Artaswayang Petersberg, and

Queen Pundut Court (diperisteri Maharaja Sunda).

Trance King Petilasan Cakradewa taerdapat in Cipanjalu. According to a story in the Chronicle Panjalu, King Trance Cakradewa is a fair and wise king, under his leadership Panjalu become a prosperous and respected state. Once the king expresses himself in old age to leave the throne and become a sage or ascetic (quitted kingdom stand Priestess). For the king's eldest son Sanghyang Cattle raised pith II becomes crown prince, while his second son is Sanghyang Borosngora groomed to become prime minister and the government army (warlord). Therefore Trance Borosngora go wandering, studied the Brahmins, ascetics, sages, teachers and monks throughout the magical land of Java for a variety of magic and science if the science of war.

A few years later the prince returned from his wanderings and was greeted with a very festive welcome ceremony in Dayeuhluhur kingdom, the king was deeply moved Trance Cakradewa welcomed his son who had gone for a long time is. In an event, the king asked the Sanghyang Borosngora to mengatraksikan prowess in battle by playing sports sword fight against his brother is Sanghyang Cow pith II before the court officials and the audience.

When the prince was being complained that the power of the sword, accidentally cloth covering the calf Trance Borosngora open and there appeared a form of diagrams (tattoo) to indicate the owner adheres to the flow of black magic.

King Trance Cakradewa very disappointed to find it, because the science is not in accordance with-whom he Kapanjaluan (philosophy of life Panjalu) that take as legitimate, as a sacred use, determination sabhenere-said-actions. The king immediately ordered Trance Borosngora forbidden to dispose of it and immediately find a "true science" is science that leads to road safety. As an indicator of whether Sanghyang Borosngora has mastered the science of real or not, it provided him a king coconut shell dipper basically given up the holes can not accommodate water detention. When the prince has mastered the science of real, so it can scoop up the water with a bucket with holes in it.

For the second time Sanghyang Borosngora leave the kingdom, and this time he walked aimlessly, not knowing where to find knowledge that is intended by his father. Tired of walking aimlessly finally he sat meditating, silence, begging to be given instructions Trance Singles to get true knowledge. Meditate so long finally he got the hint that he was looking for the owner's knowledge there across the ocean, which is in the holy land of Mecca, Arabia. With his power of Trance Borosngora arrived in Mecca in the blink of an eye.

In Mecca it Sanghyang Borosngora asked everybody he met to be able to meet someone who inherited Sciences is true. People who do not understand the meaning of the prince showed that he met a man who lives in a tent in the desert. Trance Borosngora rushed to the tent in question and when he unmasked the tent was seen an elderly man who was writing with a pen. Alarmed by the arrival of her guests, a pen in the hands of the old man fell stuck in the sandy soil.

The mysterious man rebuked the prince for having come without saying hello to his surprise, after asking what needs to come to his tent, the man just asked Trance Borosngora to fetch his pen stuck in the ground. The prince immediately meet the demands of the man, but there was a discrepancy, pen stuck in the ground just as they blend with the earth so that even if all his strength had been deployed, but the pen was unmoved in the least.

Trance Borosngora soon realized that the people in front of him is not an ordinary man.

As a warrior he recognized the greatness of the man and asked forgiveness for the audacity of his attitude earlier. The prince also sought readiness mysterious man who taught him this is very admirable. The man then known as' Ali bin Abi Talib RA just ask Trance Borosngora shahadah as exemplified and miraculously, pen stuck in the ground that can be easily lifted by it.

After that event Sanghyang Borosngora settled some time in Mecca to gain knowledge True to his Ali RA who turns out to Dien Al Islam (Islam). At the end of his education will Trance Borosngora given by Baginda Ali to implement Islam in his native land. Trance Borosngora now named Sheikh Abdul Faith is then given a souvenir sword, Cis (stick), oversized clothes.

Before the return of Sheikh Haji Abdul Faith also took zam-zam water with a perforated scoop turns giving father and zam-zam water was dripping, which means he has successfully mastered perfectly true.

Brief story Trance Borosngora back to the kingdom and was greeted with joy by the king and all his relatives. Trance Borosngora also convey Islam to all the courtiers. The king has been frail refused to call his son was fine and chose to live as a priest as his will advance and handed the throne to the crown prince Trance Cow pith II.

Zam-zam water brought Sanghyang Borosngora be the forerunner of a previous Situ Leng is a valley that surrounds the hill called Pasir Jambu. Perforated scoop of giving his father was thrown into Mount Yes and later became a plant that looks like a bucket of nails. Trance Borosngora continue his Islamic teachings by traveling westward through the regions now known as Newark, Garut, Bandung, Cianjur and Sukabumi.

Cattle King Trance pith II soon rule on the Government Panjalu, he then moved to Cimalaka area at the foot of Mount Merapi, Jakarta and established a new government there. Trance Borosngora which ranks second as heir to the throne Panjalu brother's continuing leadership and make Panjalu as Islamic government earlier Hindu.

As a medium of Islam, Trance Borosngora pioneering tradition dear ceremonies held each month birthday (Rabiul Awal), which is a purification ritual procession inheritances received from Ali RA after he consecrated then paraded in front of groups of people. The event attracted the attention of the public is used to introduce people to Islam and commemorate his conversion to Islam Trance Borosngora.

Cattle King pith Trance II

Cattle pith Trance II ascended the throne in place of Trance Cakradewa, but he was later handed over the government to his brother's throne is Borosngora Ozomatli, while he himself migrated and set up a new government in Cimalaka Mount Merapi (Manila).

King Trance Borosngora

Trance Borosngora Panjalu ascended the throne in place of his brother, he later built a new palace in Nusa bans. His younger brother named Trance Flag Panjalu Barani was appointed governor. In the Chronicle Panjalu figure of Trance Borosngora is known as the spread of Islam and Raja Panjalu first to embrace Islam, heirlooms legacy is still stored in Pasucian Earth Alit and paraded on a monthly birthday after first purified in a series of processions custom event dear.

Trance Borosngora have two sons, namely:

1) Rahyang Yellow, and

2) Rahyang Petersberg.

Trance King Borosngora also accompanied by the Master Father Kampuhjaya and Bunisakti, two government cleric who is also the commander-commander select duel. There are ruins of Trance Borosngora in Jampang Gig (Bombay), while the ruins Trance Flag Barani there in Cibarani (Bantam).

Trance Borosngora and Muslims Bunisora

God is the brother of Emperor Bunisora ​​Suradipati named Emperor Linggabuana users.

The emperor is known as the king who died as a hero Fragrances in place against drugs Majapahit army in 1357. When the heartbreaking events that occur son named Carlsson Turangga 9 years of age, for the Lord Bunisora ​​served as Mangkubumi Suradipati represent his nephew on the throne Orchard ,

Muslims Bunisora ​​also known as the King Horse Lele and Guru in Jampang for being a recluse or hermit who qualified in Jampang (Bombay). Names of God Bunisora ​​similar to Borosngora Ozomatli and his title as Guru in Jampang implies a connection between these two characters, though not yet certain whether these two characters are the same person. If you find that these two characters are the same people, of course, will open one of the pieces that are hidden from users History.

Trance Borosngora and Baginda Ali RA

Legend meeting between Sanghyang Borosngora with his Ali RA is still controversial since both lived in a different era. Hadrat Ali lived in the 7th century AD (in 600s) while at the time it was standing in the Tatar Sunda Corporate and Government Panjalu name has not been mentioned in history. Panjalu name (Kabuyutan Yes) started touted when Sanjaya (723-732) to grab grow from Purbasora hand, when it Sanjaya help of special forces from Rabuyut Yes (Panjalu) who is a friend of his father, Sena (709-716).

Meanwhile, if traced through genealogical records Panjalu his descendants until now, the Trance Borosngora estimated to live in the 1400s or at least contemporaneous with ALP Delhi (1448-1568). However, evidence of Hadrat Ali RA souvenirs in the form of swords, sticks and garments still be viewed and saved in Pasucian Earth Alit. Reportedly his sword giving Ali was never examined by experts and the results showed that the content of metals and metal forming sword did not come from the type of material that is commonly used weapons and hence the Blacksmiths in the archipelago.

Trance Borosngora, Walangsungsang and Indiana Jones

The story of conversion to Islam Trance Borosngora the Islamized by Hadrat Ali RA is similar to the story of Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones is the son of Prabu from his second wife named Nyai Subang Ban Ki Gedeng Tapa daughter who is a Muslim. From this second wife of King Siliwangi had three sons namely Walangsungsang (the Tour), Nyai Rara Jones, and Jones (King Sangara). Walangsungsang and Rara studying Islam from Pasai, Makkah, to Egypt; Rara even then married by the Egyptian ruler Abdullah or Sultan Maulana Syarif Mahmud and berputera LP (ALP). After the pilgrimage Cakrabuana renamed Sheikh Abdullah Iman, Rara Jones while after marriage renamed syarifah Mudaim.

Meanwhile, in contrast to his brothers; Indiana Jones is told to convert to Islam after he met with Ali then returned to his homeland to convey the teachings of Islam to his father: Prabu. Prabu who are not willing to convert to Islam and then disappeared along with all his followers in Forest Sherlock (Sherlock forest in Garut district now). Indiana Jones was also renamed Sheikh Mansur, continuing the teachings of Islam and became known as the Sunan Rahmat or Sunan Godog the petilasannya there in Garut.

Trance Borosngora version history Cianjur

According to the version history of Lima, known as the king of Trance Borosngora Jampang gig. His real name is Prince Borosngora Ozomatli, it is the second son of Duke Singacala (Panjalu) named King Cakradewa. Cakradewa own king is the son of Expensive Medium, Medium Expensive is the son of Queen Prapa Salawati.

Trance Borosngora is the son of the king of queens Cakradewa named Ratu Sari Permanadewi. Ratu Sari Permanadewi is the sixth son of the Duke Wanaperi Aria Kikis, so Sanghyang Borosngora are cousins ​​Cikundul yells.

Trance Borosngora has four brothers and at the age of 14 years he ruled the father to a pilgrimage to the holy land of Mecca. In the month of Safar 1101 H Ozomatli Borosngora leaving for a long journey to Mecca was 6 years old.

On his return from the Holy Land, Trance Borosngora earned the nickname of Sheikh Haji pith Sauma Dipa Ulama. Arriving in his hometown Singacala Government, the father apparently died. Borosngora then intend decreasing their knowledge and convey the teachings of Islam to the people of Central Electric Drive and Electric, therefore Borosngora traveled to the land and land Jampang Volk.

As a matter of tiger first, Trance Borosngora traveling visit to the land of their ancestors in Karantenan Mount Yes, the country Volk, Aurora Three, Kandangwesi, Mount Motion, Mountain Kendan (She Initiation), Dayeuhkolot (Sagalaherang), the country Quantitative Rajamantri, Bayabang (see Kyai Nagasasra ), Paringgalaya (now set by Reservoir Technologies) and then return to Movie Mountain.

In the tiger the second he left for Jampang East, Patuha, Mountain heron Ugur, sand Landscape, Mountain Masigit, Pager Ruyung, Pagelarang, Jampang Central, Niagara supit, Cihonje, Bay Queen, Mount, Cipanegah, Cicatih then visit Salaka Domas in Selah Petersberg, Cipanengah, Cimandiri.

Trance Borosngora third Windu went to Central Jampang set up a hermitage in Hulu Sungai Cikaso, Taman Mayang Sari (inside the city), Jampangpasar. In this place he was known by the name of Haji Saleh and Haji Mulia. After that he returned to Cipanengah, Mount Rompang, where it is known as Sheikh Haji Dalem Elder.

Trance Borosngora marry a girl orphan, adoptive grandson of Kiai Mister Love Reliability Mount Wayang. This orphan girl is a direct descendant of Sura Senapati Ramp Murugul Wijaya, President of residuals, the representative of Sri Maharaja Event to Drive and Central Delhi area.

In the third tiger, he had two sons namely Hariang Sherlock Yellow and Prince Hariang Petersberg. Trance Borosngora live to old age, he died after the Mount Rompang and buried somewhere on the banks of the River Cileuleuy, Kp Langkob, Ciambar Village, District Ain, Mumbai.

Men's forerunner is Hariang Yellow Sherlock did his late father's journey to elucidate the database and Central Drive, then to Singacala (Panjalu). He died and was buried in Goncalves, southern Panjalu. One of his descendants is the famous Haji Raden Alit or persistent Prawata Sari against the Dutch colonialists. It is known as the most feared rebel nicknamed "Karaman Java". While the Yellow Sherlock's brother Prince Hariang Petersberg became Duke Singacala then moved to Panjalu, after he died, he was buried in Mount Wanakusumah, Lake Panjalu.

Meeting the King in Mount Rompang

At one time several kings and dukes of the former Ir middle and Ir rejoice that covers an area of ​​Cianjur, Sukabumi and surrounding areas gathered at the top of the mountain that is usually used as a location for deliberation by the king and the duke is in Mount Rompang (in bhs. Sunda term rompang shows an arsenal of swords, daggers or knives that have jagged cracks because too often used). Mount Rompang named because at the time of the final establishment of the kingdom of Sunda Pajajaran after 50 years of war, weapons of the soldiers because the database has become rompang used to fight constantly.

This location is also known as "Karamat meeting", while the figures were present at the meeting were:

Sheikh Haji Elder King yells Jampang gig coming from abroad Singacala (Panjalu) Shirts She, on the ground Pajampangan it is known by various nicknames such as Sheikh Haji Mulya, Sheikh Haji Salih, and Sheikh Aulia Mantili.

Tanu Wira Aria Mister Cikundul or Prince Jaya Lalana, called Raden Ngabehi Sasana Jaya, Prince Panji Nata Kusuma

Trance Panaitan or Raden Raden Widaya called Prince Kimberly Li at Medium, Mister Duke Sukawayana.

Raden Duke Lumaju Major Countries in Cimapag borrower.

Kyai Aria Wangsa Merta of Tarekolot, Cikartanagara.

Mister King Nala Merta of Cipamingkis.

Prince said Jaya Site of Cidamar.

Prince said her husband of Regency Iron Cage.

Lord God of Aurora Three krut Wana.

Prince said Manda Court of Sherlock.

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the king of kings and dukes desire to forge closer cooperation particularly in order to ward off enemy attacks from the outside. That requires the existence of a strong leader, a leader who holds the stick, which is referred to as the King Handle (king shaft holder). King Jampang Gig proposed that Tanu Wira Aria yells Cikundul appointed as King handle, and this motion is accepted by all leaders present.

Finally, after conducting prayers Friday to coincide with the full moon of Rabiul Awal 1076 H or 2 September 1655 stood Cianjur country which is an independent and sovereign state, not subject to the Company, Mataram and Banten, subject only to God. The state is headed by Wira Tanu Aria, Dalem Cikundul as King Handle.

Rebellion Haji Raden Alit Prawatasari

Haji Raden Alit Prawatasari is a scholar of Jampang who is also a descendant of Sherlock Yellow Singacala (Panjalu). Haji Raden Alit Prawatasari uprising began in March 1703 and the case was dreadful. Haji Prawatasari able to mobilize the people to team up to make a total of 3000 people VOC frenzy. At a time when news broke that the RH Alit Prawatasari have been killed. Pieter Scorpoi VOC commander immediately captured and herded all residents Jampang reaching 1354 people for serving in Batavia pass through Lima.

The purpose of the VOC is none other than to destroy the spirit and power of RH Alit Prawatasari followers. Jampang residents lined up along the road most of the journey were killed, leaving only 582 people in horrific conditions, they then escorted directly to Bayabang.

At that time indeed RH Alit Prawatasari not killed but rather gathering an army friend (followers) is very large, it then led invasion of nonstop district east (east). In 1705 RH Alit Prawatasari appear again in Jampang and then laid siege around Batavia, at around January near Bogor.

Because VOCs can not catch RH Alit Prawatasari, three community leaders were arrested in Kampung Baru, Bogor executed by VOC. In March RH Prawatasari Small wreaks havoc in northern Victoria, then in August 1705 Prawatasari Small RH defeated the Dutch team trying to chase and catch it through three times in battle.

As a result of the failure-kegalannya catch RH Prawatasari Alit, the VOC heavy sentence to anyone who allegedly helped RH Prawatasari Alit, but the number of followers is not reduced even more and more because people sympathetic to his cause.

The Dutch then issued an ultimatum and a deadline of six months to the regents in Tatar Sunda to catch RH Alit Prawatasari. In 1706 RH Alit Tatar Sunda Prawatasari leave heading to the Middle East. RH Prawatasari Alit was caught in Kartasura after being cheated by the Netherlands on April 12, 1707.

Tomb forgotten hero is in the Top Cities, Cilacap. The locals call it a tomb derivative Panjalu, this tomb is still frequently visited by locals and pilgrims from the Philippines [

http://www.urangsunda.net ].

King Rahyang Yellow

Yellow Rahyang replace Borosngora Ozomatli became King Panjalu, due to a misunderstanding with his younger brother had been a Rahyang Kofi feud which eventually can be reconciled by Rabbi Aji Jaya Kampuh of Cilimus. Yellow Rahyang later resigned and handed over the throne to Rahyang Panjalu Petersberg.

According to the Chronicle Panjalu, this dispute is known as the Red Reg. This happened when the king Rahyang Yellow means Leng Lake water drain for the fish taken (AR: ngabedahkeun).

Yellow Rahyang government sent the governor to invite the father Trance Borosngora in Jampang gig to attend the event. But because Sanghyang Borosngora absent, then he pointed Rahyang Petersberg to represent the father attended the event.

In respect of the designated day for the feast draws near, Rahyang Yellow ordered his servants to start breaking into Lake Leng while awaiting the arrival of his father, the discharge of water flowed through the streets Sriwinangun now. He immediately led down the servants and the people berbasah-wetting in the cold in the early morning. For a warm, Rahyang Yellow lit a bonfire while warming warms the palms of the hands facing the west.

At the same time from the west, the younger brother Kofi Rahyang bodyguard entourage arrived in the area around Sriwinangun that will be passed and was surprised to find that the lake drained Deyu has started without waiting for him as his father's representative. Rahyang Petersberg who offended and curb drains it hastily. As a result, even though it contained, but the place was still full of water seepage and irregular mound up until now it was known by the name Cibutut (Bhs. Users: battered meaning ugly).

Yellow Rahyang being warmed his palms facing the bonfire was surprised to see the arrival of Kofi Rahyang bodyguard filled with emotion.

Instead Rahyang Petersberg thought her sister was waiting to confront challenging miracle because it has contained water so it does not dry lake Leng. Long story short, due to a misunderstanding that there was a duel duel between Rahyang Kofi with his bodyguard against Rahyang Yellow with garrison state, by fighting the many casualties on both sides, resulting in a swamps (wetlands or shallow lakes) water into the red by stagnation blood up until now known as red Buffalo (Bhs. users: red means red).

The civil war ended only after Kampuhjaya Father reconciled by Guru, a highly respected scholar royal king and friend Ozomatli Borosngora. Rahyang Yellow sorry for having caused the dispute to hand over the throne Panjalu Rahyang Petersberg and leave the kingdom and traveled to the southern region grow.

Yellow Rahyang at the end of his life became the King of Kawasen (South Jakarta), his body was brought home and buried in Kapunduhan Panjalu Goncalves, Kertamandala Village, Sub.

King Rahyang Petersberg

Kofi went Panjalu Rahyang throne from his brother, to forget the bloody civil war in Buffalo Red it move kingdom of Nusa Expensive to Own city, now includes the Sub-Village Chadderton.

Rahyang Petersberg has two sons namely:

1) Rahyang Kuluk Kukunangteko, and

2) Rahyang Kingdom.

Kofi after the death of King Rahyang dipusarakan in Nusa Banning Lake Leng. King Cemetery Rahyang Petersberg until now always crowded by pilgrims from various regions in Indonesia.

King Rahyang Kuluk Kukunangteko

Rahyang Kuluk Kukunangteko replace Kofi Rahyang Panjalu throne, he was accompanied by his younger brother as governor Panjalu Rahyang Kingdom. He had a son named Rahyang Scrotum control Petersberg. Cemetery Rahyang Kuluk Kukunangteko located in Cilanglung, Simpar, Panjalu.

King Rahyang Scrotum control Petersberg

Scrotum Rahyang control Petersberg Panjalu succeeded his father as king, he had a son named Rahyang Kadacayut Martabaya. Scrotum Rahyang control Petersberg after death dipusarakan in Sareupeun Hujungtiwu, Panjalu.

King Rahyang Kadacayut Martabaya

Rahyang Kadacayut Martabaya ascended the throne of his father, he had a son named Rahyang Natabaya glow. Rahyang Kadacayut Martabaya dipusarakan his body in Hujungwinangun, Lake Leng Panjalu.

King Rahyang glow Natabaya

Rahyang glow Natabaya Panjalu his father's throne, he married RA Apun Gold. Gold Apun RA RA is a child of Plants in porch (the porch Apun) who is married to the king in Galuh Cipta Permana (1595-1608), so Apun Gold Regent She was the sister of the Duke Panaekan (1608-1625). While RA Plant in porch was the daughter of Emperor Orchard.

From his marriage with RA Apun Gold, King Rahyang Natabaya lightning had three sons, namely:

1) Raden Arya Suma,

2) Raden Arya Sacanata, and

3) Raden Arya Dipanata (later appointed as Regent Pagerageung by Mataram).

In the reign of King Rahyang this Natabaya glow, Sultan Agung (1586-1601) conquered Delhi and regions including Panjalu subordinates. King Cemetery Rahyang glow Natabaya located in Ciramping, Village Simpar, Panjalu.

Raden Arya Suma

Suma Aryan Panjalu not ascended the throne as king, but as regent under the authority of Mataram. He married the daughter of the Queen Regent Tilarnagara named Sunan Talaga Grenadier, also known by the name of Prince Surawijaya, of the Aryan Suma marriage with two children, namely:

1) Queen Latibrangsari and

2) Raden Arya Wirabaya.

Suma Aryan buried after his death in Buninagara Simpar, Panjalu.

Prince Arya Prince Arya Sacanata or Salingsingan

Raden Arya Suma died at a young age and left the sons and daughters who are still small. To fill the power vacuum in the District Panjalu Raden Arya Sacanata appointed by the Sultan Agung (1613-1645) as regent replaced his brother with the title of Prince Arya Sacanata.

Prince Arya Sacanata also following had taken the daughter of the Queen Regent Tilarnagara Grenadier Sunan Talaga which is Suma Aryan widow. Prince Arya Sacanata have many descendants, both of which are Queen Tilarnagara HDMInya wife and the wives of his concubines (there are about 20 children), children's later become chiefs in the land of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Twelve of the sons of Prince Arya Sacanata it is:

1) Raden Jiwakrama (Lima),

2) Raden Ngabehi Suramanggala,

3) Raden Wiralaksana (Tengger, Panjalu)

4) Raden Jayawicitra (Development, Panjalu)

5) Prince yells Singalaksana (Lima),

6) Prince yells Jiwanagara (Bogor),

7) Raden Arya Wiradipa (Maparah, Panjalu)

8) Mrs. Raden Lenggang,

9) Nyi Raden Died Petersberg,

10) Mrs. Raden quarter (Gandasoli, Mumbai),

11) Raden Yudaperdawa (Gandasoli, Mumbai), and

12) Raden Ngabehi Dipanata.

Prince Sultan, Sunan Amangkurat I (1645-1677) in 1656-1657 unilaterally dismantle positions as Regent Prince Arya Sacanata Panjalu appointed by the sultan and remove the District Panjalu by dividing the area into 12 Regularly ACC; one of which is stabilizing Wirabaya covering an area of ​​Panjalu, Home and Bojonglopang and headed by the nephew and stepson Raden Arya Prince Arya Wirabaya making Sacanata hate to Mataram.

Once Prince Arya Sacanata-in-law who is also appointed by the Head of Sunan Talaga Talaga to represent Grenadier send follow (tribute) to Mataram. On the occasion of Prince Arya Sacanata slipped to contest its usefulness Mataram and mempermalukanya by cutting the mustache, causing great panic in Mataram. Soon Prince Arya Mataram Sacanata a team game, but until his death Sacanata Prince Arya has never been captured by force Mataram until he got the nickname Prince Arya Salingsingan (in Bahasa word "salingsingan" means pass by each other but not known).

Prince Arya Sacanata spending his life with abandon worldliness and choose to live like a hermit in exile in desert places along the mountain and coastal forests grow. First he established a hermitage in Gandakerta as a place retreat (retreat), The Prince then ventured into Palwan, Kandangwesi, Reef, duel, then retreat on Mount bayonet, Mount San Stealth, Mount Cariu, Kuta buffet and the last in Tombo, Dayeuhluhur , Prince Arya and dipusarakan Sacanata died in Tombo, District Dieng, Cilacap, Central Java.

Raden Arya Wirabaya

When Sunan authorities Amangkurat I (1645-1677), circa 1656-1657 abroad West region (West Mataram) is divided into twelve stabilizing (local district level) and abolish the post of Regent Wedana ACC, it is the twelfth stabilizing: Manila, Aurora Plant ( Bandung Barat), Bandung, Gan (Manila), Karachi, Imbanagara (Philippines), Kawasen (South Ciamis), Wirabaya (Philippines North District Panjalu, Home and Bojonglopang), Sindangkasih (Paraguay), Daewoo, father / Dayeuhluhur (Kebumen, Cilacap) and Banjar (East Jakarta).

That day Arya Wirabaya appointed by Sunan Amangkurat I became head of stabilizing Wirabaya at once replace the Prince Arya Sacanata that no longer served as Regent of Panjalu been abolished and incorporated into the stabilizing Wirabaya.

Arya Wirabaya had a son named Raden Wirapraja, after the death of the body buried in Cilamping Wirabaya Arya, Panjalu, Philippines

Minister Raden Wirapraja

Raden Wirapraja succeeded his father as regent with the title of Raden Panjalu Minister Wirapraja. During his reign the city of residence of the governors moved Own, Chadderton to city Panjalu now.

Minister Wirapraja after death was buried in the gardens of Charly Alas, Panumbangan District, BOTANICAL.

Raden Minister Cakranagara I

One son named Prince Arya Arya Wiradipa Sacanata following had taken Nyi Mas Siti Zulaikha Princess Tandamui of Delhi, it co-relatives and my friend (the man and his people) from establishing settlements Talaga palace which is now the village Maparah, Panjalu. From the Aryan Wiradipa marriage has four children, namely:

1) Raden Ardinata,

2) Raden Cakradijaya,

3) Raden Prajasasana, and

4) Mrs. Raden Ratna Gate.

Raden Prajasasana an adult is also known as Raden Suragostika served as civil service subordinates Prince Arya Delhi (1706-1723), who served as Opzigter (Acting Regional) VOC for the ACC region (Ontario) and served in charge of managing the regents ACC. Raden Suragostika considered in good standing and eligible to the office of governor was appointed by Prince Arya Delhi became regent with the title of Raden Panjalu Minister Cakranagara replace Wirapraja Minister.

I Cakranagara following had taken Mrs. Minister Prince Princess Queen Latibrang Sojanagara Sari (sister Arya Wirabaya) as empress (queen) and lower three sons, namely:

1) Raden Cakranagara II,

2) Raden Suradipraja, and

3) Raden Martadijaya.

While the concubine (concubine wife) Minister Cakranagara I also have four daughters, namely:

1) Mrs. Raden Panatamantri,

2) Mrs. Raden Widaresmi.

3) Mrs. Raden Karibaningsih, and

4) Mrs. Raden Ratnaningsih.

Minister Cakranagara I was buried after his death in Cinagara, Simpar Village, Sub-district, Ciamis.

§ Minister Raden Cakranagara II

Raden Cakranagara II replace his father as regent with the title of Raden Panjalu Minister Cakranagara II, while his younger brother Prince Suradipraja Panjalu appointed as governor with the title of Raden Suradipraja.

Minister Cakranagara II had sixteen children of the empress and concubines wife, sixteen sons and daughters are:

1) Mrs. Raden Wijayapura,

2) Mrs. Raden Natakapraja,

3) Mrs. Raden Sacadinata,

4) Raden Cakradipraja,

5) Prince Ngabehi pangreh,

6) Prince yells Cakranagara III,

7) Mrs. Raden Puraresmi,

8) Mrs. Raden Adiratna,

9) Nyi Raden Rengganingrum,

10) Mrs. Raden Janingrum,

11) Mrs. Raden Widayaresmi,

12) Mrs. Raden Murdaningsih,

13) Raden Kertanata,

14) Raden Argawijaya,

15) Mrs. Raden clean, and

16) Mrs. Raden Siti Facility.

Minister Cakranagara II was buried after his death in Puspaligar, Sub-district, Ciamis.

§ Minister Raden Cakranagara III

Raden Cakranagara III as the eldest son of the empress (the queen) to replace his father as regent with the title of Raden Panjalu Minister Cakranagara III.

In 1819 when the Government of the Netherlands East Indies under the leadership of Governor General GAGPh. Baron Van der Capellen (1816-1836) was issued policies to incorporate Panjalu District and Orchard District into the district grow. Accordingly, the Minister Cakranagara III retired from his position as regent Panjalu and since then Panjalu be kademangan (county-level district officer) under the district grow.

In that year held by Regent She was succeeded by his son named Duke Adikusumah (1819-1839), while in Panjalu at the same time Minister Cakranagara III oldest son, Raden Sumawijaya appointed Demat (face) with the title of Raden Panjalu Sumawijaya, meanwhile Minister Cakranagara seventh son named Raden Cakradikusumah III was appointed district officer with the title of Raden Arya Orchard Cakradikusumah.

Minister Cakranagara III had twelve sons, namely:

1) Raden Sumawijaya (Demat Panjalu)

2) Raden Prajasasana Kyai Sakti (Nusa Expensive, Panjalu)

3) Raden Aldakanata,

4) Raden Wiradipa,

5) Mrs. Raden Wijayaningrum,

6) Raden Jibjakusumah,

7) Raden Cakradikusumah (Wedana Orchard),

8) Prince Cakradipraja,

9) Prince Baka,

10) Mrs. Raden Kuraesin,

11) Raden Raksadipraja (Chief Chadderton, Panjalu), and

12) Raden Prajadinata (Chief Maparah, Panjalu).

Minister Cakranagara III died in 1853 and dipusarakan in Nusa Ban Leng Panjalu Lake near the grave of his son King Rahyang Petersberg Borosngora Ozomatli.

§ Raden Sumawijaya

Raden Sumawijaya in 1819 was named a demat Panjalu the title Raden Sumawijaya. His younger brother named Raden Cakradikusumah at nearby Orchard also appointed district officer with the title of Raden Arya Cakradikusumah. Demat Sumawijaya had three children, namely:

1) Raden Aldakusumah,

2) Mrs. Raden Asitaningsih, and

3) Mrs. Raden Sumaningsih.

Demat Sumawijaya buried after his death in Nusa Ban Leng Panjalu Situ.

§ Raden Aldakusumah

Raden Aldakusumah replace his father as demat Panjalu the title Raden Aldakusumah, he has four children, namely:

1) Raden Kertadipraja (Rumalega, Panjalu)

2) Mrs. Raden Wijayaningsih,

3) Mrs. Raden Kasrengga (Rumalega, Panjalu), and

4) Mrs. Raden Sukarsa Karamasasmita (Rumalega, Panjalu).

While a younger cousin who was named Raden Argakusumah (Orchard Wedana prince Raden Arya Cakradikusumah) was appointed Regent Dermayu (now Jakarta) with the title of Raden Minister Cakranagara IV. Raden and Raden Aldakusumah Minister Argakusumah (Cakranagara IV) after the death of buried in Nusa Ban Leng Panjalu Situ.

Demat Aldakusumah oldest son, Raden Kertadipraja no longer served as a Demat Panjalu because Panjalu later became one of the districts in the region grow, while they themselves are not willing appointed Chief (head of village) Panjalu. In 1915 she was renamed the district of Ciamis District.


Deyu there now included into the territory of the Village / District Panjalu Ciamis regency, West Java. In the language; said it means the lake.

Deyu situ or also known as Lake Panjalu situated at an altitude of 700 m above sea level.

In the middle of the lake there is an island called Nusa Expensive or Nusa Gede or some are calling Nusa Panjalu. According to folk legend and Chronicle Panjalu, Leng Lake is an artificial lake, before this area is the groove (bhs. Users: valley) which surrounds the hill called Pasir Jambu (Bhs. AR: means sand hill).

When Sanghyang Borosngora home study of the holy land of Mecca, he took one of them a souvenir that Zamzam water is carried in coconut shell dipper with holes (scoop bungbas). Zamzam water is poured into the valley and became the forerunner or lake water mains Leng. Hill is in the middle of the valley is transformed into an island and named Nusa Expensive, meaning forbidden island or island sacred, just as the city is nicknamed Mecca sacred land that is forbidden or sacred land;

meaning that not just anyone can go in and forbidden to do things that violate the restrictions or laws in the area.

In the reign of King Trance Borosngora, the island had become a United Panjalu. It sits on Nusa Banning body also figures Panjalu Government of King Rahyang Petersberg, Minister Raden Cakranagara III, Raden Sumawijaya, Aldakusumah Raden Raden Minister Argakusumah (Cakranagara IV) and Prince Prajasasana Kyai Sakti.

Lake Deyu has an area of ​​approximately 67.2 hectares, while the area of ​​Nusa Banning has about 16 hectares. The island has been designated as a nature reserve since February 21, 1919. Australia bans the Dutch colonial era Koorders Island also named as a form of appreciation to Dr Koorders, a founder and the first chairman of Nederlandsch Indische Vereeniging tot Natuurbescherming, an environmental protection association Dutch was established in 1863.

Being a great interest in botany, Koorders has pioneered the recording of various types of trees on the island of Java. His job is to collect herbarium do with Th Valeton, a botanist who helped conduct the scientific research of tropical forests.

Koorders and his colleagues eventually managed to contribute to the world of science.

Thanks to hard work and a book was born Bijdragen tot de Kennis van der Boomsoorten Java, a book that contribute knowledge about the trees growing on the island of Java.

As a nature reserve, Nusa Banning has primary forest vegetation is still relatively intact and grow naturally. There are several species of flora such as the eye (Ficus variegata), Kileho (Sauraula Sp), and Kihaji (Dysoxylum). In the lower parts of the island to grow crops Rattan (Calamus Sp), Tepus (Zingiberaceae), and Sedin (Arenga).

While the fauna that live on the island include the squirrel (Calosciurus nigrittatus), Owl (Otus scop) and bat (Pteropus vampyrus).

Bring in PANJALU

Dear is a traditional procession purification network heirlooms and relics of Trance Borosngora the king and his successors Panjalu Regent stored in Pasucian Earth Alit.

Dear ceremony was held on Monday or Thursday of last month's birthday (Rabiul Awal), in this procession heirlooms is removed from its storage place on Earth Alit Pasucian then paraded to Nusa Banning Lake Leng. Arriving in Nusa Expensive, parade ritual praying for deceased ancestors Panjalu to honor their merits in front of the grave of King Rahyang Petersberg.

After that, the heirlooms were paraded back to square Panjalu to be purified and then stored back in Pasucian Earth Alit. Dear tradition is similar to Sekaten in Yogyakarta also National Save in Delhi, it's just as well to commemorate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW, dear event also intended to commemorate King Trance Borosngora who gave the teachings of Islam to the people and their descendants.

Dear tradition is said to have been executed since the reign of King Trance Borosngora, at that time, he makes this traditional procession as a medium of the message of Islam to the people Panjalu and its surroundings.


Pasucian Earth Alit or more popularly known as the Earth Alit course, began to be built as a repository of legacy King Trance Borosngora by the king in the city of Petersberg Rahyang Own, Chadderton. Words in small earth language means "little house".

Heirlooms stored in the Earth Alit include:

1. Sword, souvenirs of Prophet Ali RA, as weapons used for self-defense in order to spread the religion of Islam.

2. Cis, as equipment in preaching or preach in order to spread the teachings of Islam.

3. Kris Command, weapons used by King Panjalu as a marker position that he was a king Panjalu.

4. Kris, as holding the Regents Panjalu.

5. Pancaworo, used as a weapon of war in the past.

6. Bangreng, used as a weapon of war in the past.

7. small Gong, used as a tool to gather the people of ancient times.

8. legends, a weapon of war Sundanese sacred relics of a hermit named Clergy Monks Gunawisesa Trenggana (Aki Garahang) revealed to the king Panjalu.

At first Earth Alit a garden bordered with mossy boulders and trees dilelilingi satisfied. Small Earth Building shaped like a traditional granary local stilts with high legs, the frame is made of bamboo and wood carved with a wall made of bamboo and shaped like a saddle roof made of palm fiber.

In the reign of Raden Minister Wirapraja building was transferred from the city of Bumi Alit Own, Chadderton Panjalu to the city along with the transfer of residence to the city of Regents Minister Wirapraja Panjalu. Small children Pasucian Earth is located in Forest Gardens, Square Panjalu.

While the West is waging a rebellion DI / TII BC Northrop (1949-1962) are rife with robbery, slaughter and burning of houses by the rebels, heirlooms stored in Pasucian Earth Alit was saved to the oldest family dwelling elders Panjalu Raden Hanafi Argadipradja, grandson of Raden Aldakusumah in Forest gardens, Panjalu.

In 1955, Bumi Alit restored by residents and elders Panjalu named RH Stwaka (M. Stwaka) former Governor of California (1947-1948, 1950-1952). The result was the restoration of the building that is now Earth Alit, a mixture of ancient mosque with a modern, three-story roof.

At the entrance to the Museum of Natural Small statue crowned snake and at the gate there is a statue of the elephant head. Until now, the Museum of Natural Minor maintenance is done by the village government Panjalu collected in 'Basketball Panjalu' under the supervision of the Department of Tourism and Culture Ciamis.

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