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17 Unique Things That Exist Only in Russia Country

Russia is a country that lies from Eastern Europe to North Asia. The total area of ​​this Russian state reaches up to 17,075,400 km². And make it as the country with the largest area in the world.

In addition, Russia also has 11 different time zones and different types of environments. Russian is an official language that is now used as a national language. But there are still 27 other languages ​​scattered in various parts of Russia. And behind its diversity, it turns out Russia also save a lot of unique and interesting facts that can definitely make you chuckle in awe. Here are 17 unique and interesting facts about Russian country:

1. The World's Longest Railway

Berstatus as the country with the largest area in the world. Making the Russian state also has its own uniqueness in terms of extension of the railroad tracks. How unattractive if the Trans Siberian railway line in Russia is the longest in the world. Cool, right? This railway has a length of 9200 kilometers and stretches from Moscow to the city of Vladivostok.

2. The World's Largest Mcdonalds Restaurant

One other interesting fact of the Russian state is the existence of the largest McDonalds restaurant in the world. Even so big this restaurant to provide 700 seats for the visitors. Remarkably again, in 2012 and precisely at the London Olympics event this restaurant ever broke the record with the number reached 1500 seats.

3. Number of Women More Than Number of Men

The imbalance between men and women in Russia is believed to be due to the effects of warfare that occurred during World War II. Because at that time there were so many men in Russia who had to die for engaging in combat in those days. Due to the imbalance, now many women in Russia who choose to live alone rather than have to marry because of the weight of competition to get the man's dream.

4. The Ring of Marriage in the Right Finger is Right

If we usually see people in Indonesia wear wedding ring on the left ring finger. But not with people in Russia. Because the Russian people have a unique tradition of putting a wedding ring on the right ring finger. But apparently, the same thing happened to several other countries in Europe such as Germany, Poland, Spain, Greece, and Austria.

5. Do not Like Flowers

In Indonesia to give flowers to someone it means to signify the sense of love and also affection. But such a thing did not happen in Russia. For the Russians by giving flowers it means the same as giving bad luck. Because for them the flower is very close to death or funeral.

6. Country with the Greatest Land Area in the World

Do not be surprised by this one fact. Because Russia is famous for the country with the most extensive land in the world. Even more great, the land area of ​​Russia almost reaches twice the land area of ​​the United States.

7. His Home The World Millionaire

In the Russian state there are a lot of people who are status as billionaires than any other country in the world. No wonder the number of billionaires in the city of Moscow is far more than the number of billionaires in the world's busiest city, New York.

8. The Second Largest Crude Oil Producer in the World

As a crude producing country, Russia is no less with the countries that exist in the Middle East. For now Russia is the country with the second largest crude producer in the world. As for the first position, is still held by Saudi Arabia that produces up to 10.9 million barrels per day.

9. Have a Super Fast Transportation

People in Russia are very fond of traveling by public transport such as trains and buses. No wonder the railway departure schedule in Russia is only intermittent every 90 seconds. Very fast is not it?

10. Do not Like Handshake First

One of the unique habits of the Russians is disliking shaking hands first. Why so? Because the Russians believe that by shaking hands first it will be able to bring something bad.

11. Free School

Almost similar to the one in Indonesia. Russia apparently also has a free school program. But in Russia this free school is divided into three stages: primary, secondary, and special high schools. But this free education does not continue to the level of college.

12. No Vice President

Another uniqueness of the Russian State is the absence of the position of vice president. It turned out that the reason for the vice-president's dismissal was that there had been a vice president's betrayal of treason by the vice president. And to this day, the Russian State is only headed by a president and also prime minister working together to take care of the government.

13. Includes Countries with Low Population Density

Although the current population of Russia reached up to 142 million inhabitants. But because the area of ​​the Russian State is very, very wide. Creating a country adjacent to the north pole is included as a country with low population density. That is because, the distribution of population in every territory of the State of Russia runs very well.

14. Consists Of 12 Ethnicities

In Russia it is not only inhabited by ethnic Russians. Because in addition there are also some other ethnic who have always inhabited the State of Russia. Among them are ethnic Ukrainians, ethnic Tatar, ethnic Baskhir, Ethnic Chechens, ethnic Armenians, and some other ethnic who until now has not been identified.

15. Nuclear Submarine Force

The greatness of the Russian State army has long been known all over the world. Precisely in the era of the glory of the Soviet Union. And the remnants of the glory still survive today. These include nuclear-fueled submarines. With speeds traveling up to 56 km / h, not surprisingly, Russia's submarine is the fastest and most advanced submarine in the world.

16. The Highest Mountain in Europe

One of the other pride of the Russian population is the presence of Mount Elbrus which is mentioned is the highest mountain in mainland Europe. Snowy mountains that have a height of up to 5600 meters is commonly used for sports activities such as skiing and snowboarding.

17. Lake Baikal The Inner Lake in the World

Lake Baikal is a lake located in Siberia precisely near the border between Russia and Mongolia. With a depth of 1500 meters, this lake was later crowned as the deepest lake in the world.

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