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11 Great Movies From Hollywood Involving Indonesian

Film lur negri yang syuting di indonesia
6 min read
These Hollywood Movies Location Filming in Indonesian wowhooww!
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Which one are you watching, Gaes?
April 20, 2016
Who still doubts the natural beauty of Indonesian? Indeed losers, those who see the panorama of the archipelago only one eye.

Especially if you are a native-born Indonesian child. Foreign people just nodded in agreement with the beauty of Indonesian.
Not just foreign tourists who are interested to berth to Indonesian. In fact, the leading filmmakers were interested to use the setting in Indonesian in the movie!
Well, here's GeegleHayoO Travel summarized some foreign films that use the settings in Indonesian. At least, in this way Indonesian is not underestimated by other countries.

Legendary film that you have to watch over and over again.
Anaconda: The Hunt of Blood Orchid, shooting in Mangrove Forest Kalimantan you know?
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Who the hell does not know this movie?
Especially you who raptil enthusiast, must really dong with this film. Yes, the film made by Dwight H. in Little is taking the set in the forest Kalimantan you know?
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. Still remember the story?

King Kong (2005) is the beginning of the name of Indonesian lifted in the world cinema scene.
Mursala Island, South Tapanuli, so the background of Peter Jackson movie.
Who does not know Kingkong movie? The film tells the story of the romance of a giant creature Kong who has an inner attachment with Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts). What's interesting about this movie, Other than the absurd relationship Is the setting used by the director. The 2005 Hollywood film, which uses Mursala Island, South Tapanuli, North Sumatra as the initial location of Kong's discovery, and some indigenous people who inhabit the island. In the film, the island is referred to as the Skull Island aka Skull Island. Traveler Indonesian, have you ever been to this island?

In 2006, Indonesian again took a role in setting up foreign film. The Fall movie is located in Ubud, Bali
The film director Tarsem Singh is also wearing the beauty of Indonesian as the background in making the film. The film tells of love and revenge told by Roy (Lee Pace) to little girl Alexandria (Catinca Untaru). In the story told by Roy, there was a moment in which the hunters of the dictatorial governor walked past the verdant rice fields in Indonesian. They also watched Kecak Dance performance led by the famous Balinese dancer, I Ketut Rina. According to the director, Tarsem Singh, he was inspired by the beauty of Bali Island, Ubud in particular, in making this award-winning film at the international level. Wow, Cold!!

In 2010, Indonesian again became the background of making Hollywood movies. Amphibious is set in the seas of Sumatra
Sumatra movie

The film is also titled Angkara Murka is the first 3D movie located shooting in Indonesian, precisely in the waters of Sumatra. Even practically, 100% of the film is set and has a production team of indigenous communities. This is what makes me proud, although the dialogue in this film is the language of instruction using English.

Once again, Hollywood films wearing a shooting setting on the Island of the Gods. Eat, Pray, Love a romance movie that finds true love in Bali, Indonesian.

Movie in indonesian

The film that was released in 2010 was played by famous Hollywood actor, Julia Roberts. An American woman who has been well established in career, decides to leave her husband and her job as a writer. Liz (Julia Roberts) decided to go abroad, around some countries, Indonesian one of them. Well, when visiting Bali, Liz met with Gilbert (Javier Baldrem). Daaan, in balilah love is blossoming. hehey….

The Philosophers: After the Dark (2013), not just shooting location in Indonesian, even an actor by actress homeland. You know?
Candi borobudur prambanan

Not just located shooting in Indonesian, John Huddles movie was also starred by actress from the homeland you know?
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, Cinta Laura! This film tells about 20 teenagers who collected in the philosophy class at Jakarta international school. The film stars James D'Arcy, Bonne Wrigth, Freddie Stroma, James D Arcy, Daryl Sabara, Sophie Lowe, Rhys Wakefield, and Love Laura. Well, that makes proud, this film is set filming on Belitung Island, Sumatra, Bromo, Prambanan Temple, and in Jakarta as well.

Still in the same year, 2012, the movie The Savage became the next Hollywood movie that explored the archipelago archipelago for the setting shooting

The small island of West Nusa Tenggara, Moyo Island, became the destination for the filming of Oliver Stone in 2012. Over the course of several days on the island, Oliver Stone works with several famous actors such as Jhon Travolta, Salma Hayek, and Blake Lively.

Back again, Bali ogled Hollywood filmmakers as the background of the film. Alex Cross (2012) detective film that cultivated famous director, Rob Cohen.
Hollywood indonesia
Rob Cohen's film, which is also director of the film Mummy and XXX, decided Bali as a place to shoot the Alex Cross movie which was released in 2012. Starring Tyler Perry, Matthew Fox, Edward Burns, Rachel Nichols, and Jean Reno, collide roles in Karangasem and Nusa Lembongan. For those who like detective and curious movie with the filming location, try to watch this movie!

Yogyakarta indeed proved special!
Conor Allyn decided to shoot in this special city for filmya, Java Heat, 2013

For you who've ever watched this movie, of course know dong, where filming location.
Yes, Borobudur temple became the background where shootout shoot in the film that raised the theme of terrorism.
Setting location is also dominant in the city of Yogyakarta special nan.

Still in the same year, the movie
Dead Mine also chose Indonesian as the background filming the film.
There's "Abang Tigor" too!
Dead mine

In fact, this film is not just wearing the background shooting in Batam, Indonesian you know?
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Many country actresses are taking an important role in this film, such as Joe Taslim, Ario Bayu, Mario Lewis, and Bang Tigor! that is a Cold? Make an idea of ​​the existing story, you need no doubt. Ntap!

Most recently, Chris Hemsworth in the film Blackhat chose the Capital of Jakarta as the location of filming!
Tanah Abang has a story

Who does not know Chris Hemsworth? The Hollywood actor who acted as Thor in The Avengers movie to Indonesian as Nicholas Hathaway in the film that released 2015 ago,
Blackhat . Uniquely, this film features more Indonesiann culture and landmarks in the Capital of Jakarta. It's a shame if I do not watch this movie!

Well, that's some foreign films that use the beauty of Indonesian as a setting syutingnya.
So, which movie have you watched? Make me more love with Indonesian, right?
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